Migrated to Manjaro on my main machine

I actually did this several weeks ago. I like it.

What I like about it is that it is a rolling release, so for example, Firefox is version 129.0 – not stuck on an older ESR (Extended Support Release). I wanted the newer Firefox for PDF editing, including graphic file insertion.

I did have to go through all the different KDE plugins I’d installed for tiling window managers, and delete them and the hidden subdirectories they had configuration files in. KDE no longer automatically tiles nicely the way the previous KWin tiling script did; but, I have a few keystrokes assigned to tile right or left, and it is not too bad.

I have not yet figured out the correct installation order for Proton + Wine + Steam + other stuff to get Windows games to install and run on Steam. That was the last thing I’d done on OpenSUSE, and it was very nice. I’m glad I’d seen that it can work – now all I have to do is spend some time experimenting or hanging out in the Manjaro forums to get it to work.

The only thing that is a little broken is that sound sometimes just quits in Firefox. If I hit the volume mute and unmute, it comes back. That is slightly annoying; but if that is the worst thing that happens to me, I’m still a pretty lucky guy.