Kind of hating cloud servers right now

How in the world am I supposed to create LVM (Logical Volume Management) disk layouts on a cloud VM with a single big disk? Before I start piling in data, I want to put /var/mail on it’s own partition.

Maybe it’s just that Google is stupid, and the answer is plain as day if I could find it.

Linode is annoying, because the pages I found said (in essence) “Don’t use LVM, use our attached disks at an additional $2 per disk per month.” Well, I could add a disk and then use LVM to configure it. But that means that I’m going to have a 25 GB /boot partiition and then hardly anything else over on the new disk. What it won’t do is keep the system from going comatose if some process starts spamming a log file and fills the disk. That’s stupid. And I’d be paying $2 a month, forever, for the stupidity.

I want to install LVM so that I have the option of adding another disk later, and it would be super easy. I’ve done LVM at work for years now, and it’s great. But at work, I get to install the machine from a boot ISO, and I get to go through every step of the install. Linode creates new virtual machines from images, where the disk is pre-configured. I don’t get to say I want /home on a separate volume (for example).

Every search I’ve done about LVM has two assumptions behind it: 1) there is a newly added virgin disk, or 2) during install, choose to partition the disk the way you want.

Nothing appears to address the situation where I’ve got a 25 GB disk with 20 GB free, and I’d like to move /home and /var and /tmp to /dev/sda1 /dev/sda2 /dev/sda3

I need to do pvcreate, but it errs out because I don’t have a newly added virgin disk.

I doubt this problem is particular to Linode; I suspect Rackspace and Vultr have the same problem – the preconfigured image is what you get; go kick rocks if you want something else.

It is frustrating, becasue I cannot be the first person on the planet to have thought of this or asked this question. But if the answer is obvious, I’m not finding it with Google search.

I’m not finding Rimworld to be very fun

It got an “Overwhelmingly Positive” score on the Steam store, and I bet for younger players it is great. But I’m old, so my brain does not move as fast as young peoples’ do.

This means I lose a lot. Half of the time I have two of my four man crew in the hospital (the room I set up to be my hospital). Pretty much as soon as people are healthy, the AI throws another rabid schnauser / deer / antelope at my crew.

The AI in this game is supposed to be really good (by reputation I have read). But for me, it never lets up and there aren’t any easier / lower settings I can set. It is simply unrelenting and oppressive.

I want to like this game; I’ve never played The Sims but I imagine this is like The Spacefaring Sims On Another Planet. It has goals and objectives – and it applies pressure to get there. So it’s not bad at all. I also really like that it has a Linux native version. The soundtrack is really good.

There are supposed to be quests in this game, where I send off people to accomplish whatever goal. I lose (or nearly lose) so many rabid animal fights (or malevolent humans) that I cannot afford to send people on the quest. So then I’m told I failed yet another quest.

But if the only thing that ever happens in this game is that my pawns* die often, then I’m going to be sad I spent the money on it.

I’ll try some more; but I hope fun shows up soon.

*that’s what the game calls them.

Putting an image on a Raspberry Pi

  1. Download a .raw.xz file
    1. In this case, it was
    2. Yes, I also downloaded the .sha256 file and ran sha256sum against the downloaded image to make sure the image file was not damaged during transfer.
  2. Open a terminal session and become root
  3. Determine which device the SD card is
    1. In this case, it was /dev/sdc
  4. Copy the image file to the SD card
 xzcat /home/david/Downloads/openSUSE-Leap-15.4-ARM-KDE-raspberrypi.aarch64.raw.xz | dd bs=4M of=/dev/sdc iflag=fullblock oflag=direct status=progress; sync

LibreOffice is working better now (somewhat), and I don’t know why

Okay, so I had a theme that wasn’t installed correctly, which made automatic updates for all of OpenSUSE complain they wouldn’t work. I did a re-install of everything KDE, and the missing theme dependency no longer prevents automatic updating from working seamlessly. Cool.

But, I saw the full re-install of KDE “upgraded” LibreOffice. Sure enough, I’m back to running version 7.1

Well, at least I have version 6.4 on disk, and could pretty easily downgrade if needed. Might as well try it out and see.

At first blush, I didn’t appear to have the problem. But, I’d seen that before. I moved the window to the secondary monitor, and the problem returned. Not cool.

But this time, if I move the LibreOffice window back to my primary monitor, the problem vanishes; the window returns to normal. That used to never happen: once the window layout was corrupted, no matter where I placed it, it remained corrupted.

So I can use the current version LibreOffice – I just need to use it on my secondary monitor. I’m okay with that. If that’s the worst thing I have to put up with this month, I’m a lucky guy.

Actually, I just started doing some SharePoint work. Already, I have way worse going on, and it has nothing to do with LibreOffice or KDE or OpenSUSE. 😉

LibreOffice broken – it’s version 7 that is broken, and the problem is multiple monitors

What confused me before is that sometimes it appeared to work, but then it would break again. I finally figured out that it was sliding the window from one monitor to the other that invoked the broken behavior.

I went back to the earliest version of LibreOffice that is “official”, and it was still broken. I went and got the latest version of LibreOffice 6, and it is no longer broken.

LibreOffice has been painfully broken on OpenSUSE KDE for a couple months now

And the solution was to install libreoffice-gtk3

I’m rather surprised that it remained so painful for so long. If I were a new user, I’d still be broken.

I don’t know what it takes to figure out that this package should be in the “required” list. Perhaps I installed something else that added GTK3, and now that it’s there, the LibreOffice UI became significantly damaged? Perhaps LibreOffice sees some GTK3 component and then runs as if libreoffice-gtk3 is present?

The result is that every LibreOffice document would open with a split in the middle of the document, and, the main menu was gone.

I had found a document that said that perhaps KDE dark themes were to blame, or were out of date. Man I fouled some things up chasing that wild goose. I also lost some documents I had built, as tried to delete bad configuration files that seemed they might be the problem.

Anyway, if your LibreOffice looks like this:

And you want it to look like this (with File menu and everything):

install the libreoffice-gtk3 module.

Raspberry Pi – sed for customization

I like automation, and have a project to migrate a friend’s web site to WordPress. There are a lot of MP3 files to move, so I’d like to script it.

I prefer to not test in production (in other words I’m not insane when it comes to computer operations) but that means having a consistent development environment. The Raspberry Pi is a very capable piece of equipment for a very reasonable price. So I think I want to automate building a development environment there.

I’m going to go with the Raspberry Pi OS with desktop

The short form of installing this is:

  1. Download the correct image
    1. I went with Raspbian instead of OpenSUSE because I want sound to work. Apparently the sound driver for Raspberry Pi has not been merged into Linux officially. As soon as it is, then OpenSUSE will have the sound driver baked in. But until then, I want to go with a Linux distribution that adds in the drivers for the Raspberry Pi sound hardware.
  2. Copy the image to the Micro SD card
    1. Open a terminal prompt
    2. unzip -p | sudo dd bs=4M of=/dev/sdc iflag=fullblock oflag=direct status=progress; sync
      1. This assumes that current working directory is the directory where the file is.
      2. This comes from – Thank you Max
      3. Note that the “out file” part of the DD command has a device specifier, and if you put in the wrong one, you can completely destroy your machine. Before you plug the Micro SD card in, do df -h and note the list of devices. None of the listed devices must be in your of=/dev/sdx option of the dd command.
      4. For example: I do df -h and I see a bunch of /dev/sda and a few /dev/sdb listed. This tells me that I must not use either of those for my outfile device. In my case, it happens to be /dev/sdc for my outfile device.
      5. My machine does not have a built in Micro SD slot. I bought an external USB dongle that lets me plug in memory cards. When I plug the dongle in, then /dev/sdc becomes an available device. This is correct – I don’t want dd overwriting any of my permanent devices.

After the image is copied to the Micro SD card, I can (software) eject the removable device, plug it into the Raspberry Pi and power on the Pi. After first boot, there are security updates to install; but after that I’ve got a virgin machine with bog standard software on it. Development is ready to begin!

First, create a couple of aliases

echo "..='cd ..'" > ~/.bash_aliases

echo "ll='ls -l'" >> ~/.bash_aliases

Finally, sed to edit /etc/inputrc

sudo sed --in-place=.original -e '/^# "\\e\[5/ s/# //' -e '/^# "\\e[\6/ s/# //' /etc/inputrc

Okay, so what does this do?

sed is the stream editor that let’s one search and replace inside files.

sudo is the command that grants permissions in Raspbian to edit files in /etc

--in-place=.original is the sed option to copy the file to a new name, first, before editing the file. The file will named the same as it was before, but with .original appended to the file name. I could just have easily used .backup or .bak

-e is the sed short form of --expression

It tells sed that what is between the single quotes is an expression to process. Note that the above command line has two expressions.

The two expressions are almost identical. Let’s break the first one down:

/^# "\\e\[5/ s/# //

First is a search, designated by the first /…/ pair. Second is a substitution, designated by the /…/…/ triplet (but the reason it is a substitution is because of the s in front of the triplet).

In this case, what we are searching for is:

^# "\\e\[5

The line in /etc/inputrc literally has this:

# "\e[5~": history-search-backward

You can see that the sed search expression ^# "\\e\[5 differs from the actual line by the leading carat character ^ and a couple extra backslashes.

That leading ^ (carat) is the instruction to sed that the match only works at the beginning of a line. First find the beginning of a line, then proceed.

The next few characters are just an exact match: # "

The line in inputrc has \e following the double quote mark; but, because this is going to processed on a command line (or by a shell script), we have to warn the command line interpreter that there is an actual backslash in the expression. Backslashes are normally an “escape” character on the command line, warning that “whatever you would normally do with the next character that you see, don’t do it. Even though the character is in the list of special characters that get special handling, just ignore that and deal with it as if it were not a special character”. Which is a long way of saying that to deal with \ in the data, we need to specify \\ in the script or command line.

Same thing applies with the [ character; it is normally a special character. The inputrc file has e[5 in the data, so we need e\[5 in the expression.

So the search part within the first two slashes matches when there is a beginning of a new line, a pound sign character, a space character, a (double) quote character, a backslash character, the letter e, an (opening) square bracket character, and the numeral 5.

The substitution part of the expression matches on the pound sign character and the space character, and replaces them with nothing. That’s what s/# // does: “s” in front of the slash triplet says we are going to do substitution, what to substitute are the quote and space, and what to substitute them with is the empty set: between the second and third slashes is nothing.

The second expression differs from the first by 6 instead of 5. This is from Changing the history search keystrokes

Easy button:

(One should always look at the contents of the file instead of just blindly running it)

Firefox / Mozilla – on Windows – decided I did not need a Bookmarks button. WTH?

Two environments: work and home. Two platforms: Linux and Windows. Symptom is only on Windows, but spanned both work and home.

I do use the Firefox Sync feature, but of course two different email accounts for work versus home. I realize I am kind of stretching things; but, I use the Firefox sync thing across both Windows and Linux for both work and home.

Once I finally figured out how to get the Bookmarks button back, I tried to synchronize now to get the good/repaired installation of Firefox on Windows to propagate over to the broken versions. That did not work.

So: Firefox on Linux (both work and home) did not lose the Bookmarks button. Firefox on Windows (all machines) lost the bookmarks button. If it were a Firefox Sync thing, I would have thought that the repaired Windows installation would have propagated over to the other Windows machines.

Also, if it were a Firefox Sync thing, I don’t think it would have happened at the same time on two different accounts (work and home). Sure, I could have hit a bad keystroke and removed this button I wanted in one browser, and then Sync propagated the bad config. But that it happened at both work and home at the same time makes me think that it was a new build of Firefox that just clobbered the thing.

I am disappointed that 1) Mozilla didn’t have quality checks in place to catch this first, and 2) that Firefox Sync does not propagate the repair to the synchronized machines.

So, on every Windows machine, I now need to do:

(hamburger menu) –> More Tools –> Customize Toolbar

Then on the new screen, find the Bookmarks Menu button, and drag it to the toolbar. Repeat for all the Windows machines you have.